Friday, September 21, 2007

Start Collecting...

Rikki Kasso, Open Wide, 2008,
acrylic latex on canvas, 36 x 25 cm

Rikki Kasso, Timber, 2008,
acrylic latex on canvas, 36 x 25 cm

1 comment:

captain badheart said...

hey, my name is Anthony. I really enjoy your blogs. Your photos are inspiring.
I live in Tokyo on and off, I am 22. I have a band and just started a clothing company with my roommate , although it is still very raw, to say the lest. (and a couple photo blogs)
Anyways, the reason I am writing, is wanna know how you got to wear you are, school? on your own? how did you end up in Tokyo? do you ever need a part time intern who will work for free, when I can get the time, haha. well if you get a chance let me know,
Thanks Anthony.